OHEF Astronomy Family Event Monday - Dec 28th 2020 4pm via Zoom We are so excited that a respected member of the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, Mr. Bob Noss, will be joining us on Monday 12/28/2020 at 4pm via Zoom to tell our Oak Hills families all about the "Christmas Star" phenomenon happening this month (which was last seen in year 1226)! He will also discuss the 3 planets we can see in the December night sky. Mr. Noss' presentation will last approximately 30 min and he will be available for questions after the presentation.
May 1, 2019 We learned about the Mars Rover & Space Exploration with Kobie Boykins from JPL!
Check out the article in the Signal about all the fun had at Oak Hills:
Assembly with Ken Holden from the Aerospace Corp 3rd & 4th graders attended a special assembly with Ken Holden Retired General Manager of Launch Operations Division for the Aerospace Corporation He was "on the console" for 130+ launches! He called the: "Go!" or "No go!" Thank you Ken Holden for coming to Oak Hills!